RUVSeq - Remove Unwanted Variation from RNA-Seq Data

This package implements the remove unwanted variation (RUV) methods of Risso et al. (2014) for the normalization of RNA-Seq read counts between samples.

Last updated 4 months ago


12 stars 6.20 score 113 dependencies 5 dependents

scone - Single Cell Overview of Normalized Expression data

SCONE is an R package for comparing and ranking the performance of different normalization schemes for single-cell RNA-seq and other high-throughput analyses.

Last updated 4 months ago


53 stars 3.70 score 176 dependencies

mbkmeans - Mini-batch K-means Clustering for Single-Cell RNA-seq

Implements the mini-batch k-means algorithm for large datasets, including support for on-disk data representation.

Last updated 4 months ago


9 stars 2.09 score 79 dependencies 2 dependents